The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches

Parents and their children alike are often met at a crossroads when attempting to decide what college is right for them. Certain parents will be overcontrolling throughout the process, imposing their will and their wishes on their child. Other parents will be so unaware of how to help their child, they may not find themselves involved at all. Whatever the case, one of the main talking points of the college search process is deciding on a public or private college. Public colleges are generally less expensive than private schools’ full tuition. Similarly, they may have less strict academic demands for applying students. This isn’t to say that any public colleges’ degree programs are lacking, however. In the case of a private school, many families get caught up on the cost. It’s important to not automatically discount the idea of private college, though. As many private schools offer significant college-specific financial aid, such as academic merit scholarship awards and need-based aid, the total price tag becomes comparable to public schools with the right preparation and academic excellence. Though it’s an important decision, many students will have a feeling in their heart as to what college they belong at. For more information on how to support those feelings as a parent, please research the information found in the infographic supported alongside this post.

The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches for more information on the college search process, be sure to check out the Encourage App